Your health is our priority
At Planning & Design Practice, we pride ourselves on being a multi-disciplinary team comprising of RTPI Chartered town planners, RIBA Chartered Architects, and architectural assistants, as well as heritage specialists. Our team brings together a wealth of experience from a range of backgrounds and various parts of the UK and Europe. Our planners have worked in both the public and private sectors, and have excellent working relationships with Local Planning Authorities. This often proves invaluable and is a key to our success.
Our Services
We offer a comprehensive range of services, specialising in planning, architecture, heritage, and rural development. We provide expert advice on architectural and planning issues, encompassing small-scale developments through to large schemes. Our planning consultants have years of experience working with a range of clients, including homeowners, developers, businesses, and public sector bodies.
Planning Consultants
With extensive knowledge about the policies of individual councils, we can help you achieve planning permission. Our team of planners has extensive knowledge of the policies and procedures of individual councils and the approach taken by planning officers and Councillors. Our aim is to achieve planning permission that meets our client's brief and that will deliver development.
Appeals & Enforcement
Our Planning Consultants can also support with Planning Appeals and Enforcement issues. Whether you are looking for support in navigating the challenging appeals process or looking for guidance with a recent planning permission breach, you can put your trust in us.
Our team of heritage specialists ensures that proposals are designed sympathetically to conserve and enhance historic buildings and sites. We have the expertise and specialist knowledge to achieve success with your project. Our team includes a Full Member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and a RIBA accredited Specialist Conservation Architect.
We believe that good design is essential for successful development. Our team of RIBA Chartered Architects and Architectural Assistants have a wealth of experience working with homeowners, developers, and the public sector. With values rooted in friendly service, integrity, teamwork, and meeting client's expectations, we provide honest and sound advice, mediate when required, and maintain high professional standards.
Rural Development
We understand the importance of rural development and the challenges it can bring. Our team of experts can provide guidance on sustainable development, helping you to balance the needs of rural communities with the needs of the environment.
Urban Design
Our team can offer expert advice on urban design, ensuring that proposals are designed in a way that is sympathetic to the local area. We believe in creating sustainable and inclusive communities, with a focus on improving the quality of life for everyone.
Our Team
At Planning & Design Practice, we take pride in our team of experts who have a deep understanding of the planning and architectural sectors. Our team members have a range of skills and experiences, from planning and architecture to heritage and conservation. We are committed to delivering high-quality projects and innovative design solutions.
Contact Us
If you would like to know more about our services or would like to discuss a project, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone on 01332 347371 or email at We look forward to hearing from you and working together to achieve your goals.